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11 May 2021

Aged Care

Orana and Tabeel share leftover COVID-19 vaccine with local community

We’re delighted to report that our aged care services Orana in Kingaroy and Tabeel in Laidley recently completed their first round of COVID-19 vaccinations.

Once all eligible residents and frontline staff had received their jab – as per Department of Health protocols – a number of doses remained. (Ensuring there’s enough vaccine for everyone means there’s bound to be some leftovers – some people for instance had a recent flu vax, which means they have to wait to receive their COVID-19 vaccine.)

Not wanting to see much-needed vaccine go to waste, the resident managers at Orana and Tabeel reached out to other frontline workers within their local communities. After many phone calls and much door knocking, frontline staff from local medical practices, pharmacies, ambulance and police fronted up to Orana and Tabeel to receive their first jab.

Not one vial of vaccine went to waste at Orana, while Tabeel managed to allocate all but three of the 70 left over. Nice work Orana and Tabeel! What a great demonstration of the vibrant and tight-knit communities of Kingaroy and Laidley – and what an important part Orana and Tabeel play.

Orana Manager Kym Zizschke says she is delighted to have completed their first round of COVID-19 vaccinations – and suitably impressed by the vaccination process.

“The care and professionalism of the clinical team that came to Orana was amazing. They communicated and dealt with our residents beautifully. Everyone was closely monitored. It was a very thorough and well supported operation. Everything went like clockwork. It’s great to have completed our first round.”

Tabeel Manager Melanie Wagner was similarly impressed with their operation.

“We had a team of about 12 people at Tabeel for the day. It was very professional and well organised. About 70 residents and 40 staff were vaccinated. We put on extra staff to support our residents throughout the day. It was a long day but a good day!”

Pictured are residents Barbara Bennett, Val Peters and Dr Phil Burrell

Aged Care

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