At the heart of all that we do at Lutheran Services, we exist to serve. It’s really that simple.
It’s also this common purpose which unites us. “Lutheran” defines our identity, while “service” defines our actions.
Grace: At Lutheran Services, we live by grace and reflect graciousness to others. We offer a kind word or deed where we might easily (or rightly) have been judgemental or critical to those around us. We are kind to each other and ourselves.
Respect and care: We serve with respect, care and gentleness. We walk in the shoes of others and seek out the mystery of every person. Our clients and residents are at the centre of all that we do. We seek to appreciate the needs and diversity of those we serve and enhance their experience and quality of life.
Dignity and honour: We see the people we serve as a gift. We recognise people are made in the image of God, making them sacred and important, worthy of dignity and honour.
All welcome: We welcome all. We recognise the common humanity of all people of all races, with a variety of beliefs, faiths and world views. We serve people from all walks of life. Following St Paul, we affirm, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28).