Dr Leena Vuorinen
Dr Leena Vuorinen has served as a Council Member since 2011 and as Chair since 2021. She is an active member of the St Andrew’s Lutheran Church Brisbane City congregation.
Leena holds a PhD and Master of Social Sciences focusing on social gerontology. Her research interests include ageing in various settings, the quality of life and lifestyles among older adults, and the social problems that vulnerable older people may face in society today.
Leena’s career in aged care spans more than 30 years. She has worked across service design and development, quality and continuous improvement, policy development, training and education, case coordination and care management, in both the aged care and community care sectors.
Leena is General Manager, Ageing Well at Deaf Connect, overseeing in-home services for deaf, deaf-blind and hard of hearing older people in Queensland, New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory and South Australia.